Social Media Dressed For The Occasion?

45% Of Hiring Managers Check Out Your Social Media Presence

Before you panic, follow our straightforward guides to steaming out any wrinkles. First, here
are some basic pointers for any active accounts.

Button Up Your Social Accounts In 5 Easy Steps:

  1. Switch your accounts to “private”
  2. Hide or delete any inappropriate content
  3. Use a current, professional-looking headshot for your profiles
  4. Make sure your personal information is accurate and consistent
  5. Add a bio

Now, let’s take a deeper dive into (what should be) your best dressed platform: Linkedin

How To Look Your Best On LINKEDIN

Want our friendly (and expert) advice? Line your profile with professionalism. It’s simpler than you think!

Managing Your Profile

  • Keep all information consistently up-to-date
  • Don’t be afraid to show some personality!
  • Align responsibilities and keywords with your goal career
  • Regularly engage with the LinkedIn community and career pages (this allows you to expand your network and find mentors)
  • Stay active and consistent

Writing Your BIO

Be authentic and personable. Draw people in, and engage them enough to read your entire profile. Your bio is your first impression, so put into it what you want to get out of it.

  • Follow a clear structure
  • Define yourself in your own words
  • Highlight your accomplishments and traits
  • Include that you’re open to networking
  • Share a high-level overview of your specialties and the big picture of your career

Improving Your Titles

  • Should be impactful and describe exactly what you want people to know about you
  • List hard skills within titles
  • Place emphasis on keywords in your title
  • Get specific (character limit: 120)

Choosing Your Images

  • Visuals draw people to your page, so choose well
  • Cover photos should represent you and add a personal touch
  • Use a program like Canva to personalize your cover photo message
  • Make sure images are professional-looking, clear quality & only include you

Profile Photo Checklist

  • Wear what you’d wear to work
  • Use a high-resolution image
  • Avoid distracting backgrounds
  • Face should take up at least 60% of frame

Staying Active

  • Check your profile daily
  • Read and engage with recommended articles
  • Check your messages and respond within 24 hours
  • Share articles on your personal page that interest you
  • Send personalized direct messages to those you want to connect with
Stay Social
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