How To Make Sure The Job Is A Perfect Fit For You

A job interview is a two-way street.

It’s also the best time to assess a company’s culture, make observations, and ask questions. Not sure where to start? Use these tips to help you evaluate the fit.

Ask The Right Questions
  • How long have you been with this company?
  • What’s your favorite part about working for this company?
  • What personalities tend to be successful here?
  • How does the company recognize employee wins?
  • How often does the company meet as a whole? How often do you have team meetings?
  • Do you offer activities outside the office for employees

Use Your Values As A Guide

Whether you value innovation, feedback, affirmation, teamwork, flexibility, or all of the above, form questions around these values to ask during your interview.

Final Thoughts On Company Culture

What’s The Big Secret? Trust Your Gut.

Sure, it sounds cheesy, but you’ll probably have a good—or bad—feeling about your interview experience. Even with researching, asking questions, and connecting with current employees, you’re still the best judge.

Don’t Let A Salary Decide Your Fit.

Salary and benefits are important, but think about how much time you’ll spend “in-office.” You should feel like you fit in and can support both the company and its values.

Watch Out For Red Flags:
  • No mention of growth opportunities
  • Poor communication from hiring team or inconsistent timelines
  • Job descriptions that don’t clearly state role specifics (e.g., employment status, benefits, job security, and growth)
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